GSO Test

'To help young people help themselves'

RE at Adelaide is inclusive, exploring the beliefs, ethics and lifestyles that Religious Education  encompasses. It is taught in a positive and open manner where misconceptions are challenged. 

Learning is about shared communication between staff and pupils. All work together to build positive, collaborative learning experiences. All lessons include the following elements; reference to curriculum intent, recap of knowledge and skills, assessment for learning & pupil voice.

In RE we encourage pupils to engage with spiritual, moral, social and cultural questions that arise in their lives and in their communities. Pupils explore the role and significance of religion in society and the important beliefs and values that shape the world today. Religious Education helps pupils understand the religious experience of others and the ways in which it gives adherents a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives. Our curriculum promotes respect for difference and tolerance.

Our RE Curriculum adheres to the Cheshire East Agreed Syllabus. This means that it has a broadly Christian ethos and effective coverage of the key world religions including Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism. 

At KS2 pupils will begin to explore their own beliefs and ideas. They will better understand a range of religions which will support them to value and respect diversity.

At KS3/4: Pupils will further develop their understanding of a greater range of religions. They will further explore a range of themes to develop their own beliefs related to concepts such as commitment, death and forgiveness. Pupils will be encouraged to develop their own beliefs and values. Pupils will be prepared to be active British citizens.

At KS4 RE is taught through our PSHE curriculum with a focus on morals and ethics. Please see PSHE KS4 Curriculum plans for more information.

At KS4 and KS5, pupils can opt to study AQA GCSE Religious Studies. Pupils will study and explore, two religious' beliefs, teachings and ethical studies (Christianity and Islam),  Along with thematic studies such as Relationships and families and Religion, and Peace and Conflict. This is assessed through an external written exam. 

The subject contributes to our curriculum intent as:

  • Pupils develop the skills to keep mentally healthy & develop their spirituality.
  • Pupils will better understand strategies to develop their resilience including through religious practice.
  • Pupils will consider how religion supports people to be happy and develop a sense of purpose.
  • Pupils will be encouraged to show commitment in their learning and to their ideas and beliefs.
  • Pupils will collaborate and support each other whilst sharing ideas.
  • Pupils will develop the skills to be independent in the development of their ideas and thoughts.
  • Pupils will be encouraged to develop high aspirations for the future.
  • Pupils will be supported to develop the skills to enable them to contribute to society, respect others and value diversity.
  • Pupils will learn to show respect to each other and all within society.


Parents do have the right to withdraw their child from RE. Please discuss this with us should you have any concerns.

RE Curriculum Information

RE Curriculum Overview

RE Curriculum Y5-6 A

RE Curriculum Y5-6 B

RE Curriculum Y7

RE Curriculum Y8

RE Curriculum Y9

Progression Grid


RE Careers Overview

RE and Careers