Hi everyone!
Welcome to the pupil’s zone.
‘It’s ok not to be ok’ is a phrase that you might have heard. This area is a place you can come to virtually to get help and to find some answers when you are not feeling ok.
Sometimes there might be a reason that you don’t feel quite right, feel worried or alone. Sometimes though you just feel sad or helpless and you can’t understand why. This is a lot more common than you think! There are people who can help you, even if you don’t want to talk there are websites or online platforms to get help. There are live chats with trained adults and of course, you can always speak to someone in school. Please don’t ever feel you are alone.
Our thoughts are very powerful. The way we ‘talk to ourselves can influence how we feel and how we behave. Do you know you have over 10,000 separate thoughts a day?! BUT sometimes we only notice the negative or scary thoughts. Sometimes we don’t even realise we are telling ourselves the negative stories –these are called Automatic negative thoughts. If we keep focusing on the negative thoughts or we talk to ourselves in our head in this way without realising it can lead to anxiety and low mood.
Here are some examples of Negative thoughts-do you recognise any of these?
Mental Filter When we notice only what the filter allows us to notice, and we dismiss anything that doesn’t ‘fit’. Like looking through dark blinkers or 'gloomy specs', or only catching the negative stuff in our sponges, whilst anything more positive or realistic is sieved, ignored, dismissed or we make excuses for
Am I only noticing the bad stuff? Am I filtering out the positives? Am I wearing those ‘gloomy specs’? What would be more realistic? What am I sponging, what am I sieving?
Mind-Reading Assuming we know what others are thinking (usually about us)
Am I assuming I know what others are thinking? What’s the evidence? Those are my own thoughts, not theirs. Is there another, more balanced way of looking at it?
Prediction Believing we know what’s going to happen in the future
Am I thinking that I can predict the future? How likely is it that that might really happen?
Compare and despair Seeing only the good and positive aspects in others, and comparing ourselves negatively against them
Am I doing that ‘compare and despair’ thing? What would be a more balanced and helpful way of looking at it?
Catastrophising Imagining and believing that the worst possible thing will happen
OK, thinking that the worst possible thing will definitely happen isn’t really helpful right now. What’s most likely to happen?
Emotional Reasoning I feel bad so it must be bad! I feel anxious so I must be in danger
Just because it feels bad, doesn’t necessary mean it is bad. My feelings are just a reaction to my thoughts – and thoughts are just automatic brain reflexes
Evaluations / Judgements Making judgments about events, ourselves, others, or the world, rather than describing what we actually see and have evidence for
I’m making an evaluation about the situation or person. It’s how I make sense of the world, but that doesn’t mean my judgments are always right or helpful. Is there another perspective?
Mountains and Molehills Exaggerating the risk of danger, or the negatives. Minimising the odds of how things are most likely to turn out, or minimising positives
Am I exaggerating the risk of danger, and minimising the evidence that it's most likely to be okay? Or am I exaggerating the negative and minimising the positives? How would someone else see it? What’s the bigger picture?
Critical self Putting ourselves down, self-criticism, blaming ourselves for events or situations that are not totally our responsibility
There I go, that internal bully’s at it again. Would most people who really know me say that about me? Is this something that I am totally responsible for? |
Shoulds and musts Thinking or saying ‘I should’ (or shouldn’t) and ‘I must’ puts pressure on ourselves, and sets up unrealistic expectations
Am I putting more pressure on myself, setting up expectations of myself that are almost impossible? What would be more realistic? |
Black and white thinking Believing that something or someone can be only good or bad, right or wrong, rather than anything in-between or ‘shades of grey’
Things aren’t either totally white or totally black – there are shades of grey. Where is this on the spectrum?
Memories Current situations and events can trigger upsetting memories, leading us to believe that the danger is here and now, rather than in the past, causing us distress right now
This is just a reminder of the past. That was then, and this is now. Even though this memory makes me feel upset, it’s not actually happening again right now.
Activities and Resources |
Why not try one of the Wellness Zone Activities? Spin the wheel and see what it suggests: